Sunday, May 17, 2009

Why Obama flipped on Torture pix

Obama last week announced a reversal of his policy on releasing photos. Andrew Sullivan says Obama's playing a "Long Game" by reversing his campaign promises of transparency. Personally, I think Obama actually does believe that releasing the photos would harm (do we really need to see MORE pictures of this abuse? That would do what, piss us off MORE?)

The fact is there's little to be gained by releasing the photos. We already know there was torture and abuse going on in military prisons. Obama releasing the photos would only make any future action seem partisan, and true accountability and prosecution can happen if it's truly bi-partisan.

I suspect we'll continue to see a series of leaks that continue to illuminate the who-knew-what-and-when of all this. Pelosi might be the unwitting fall-gal to Obama's long play of bringing change.