Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Matter of National Security

The financial crisis and the war in Iraq are two of the most expensive absolute and utter failures of the Republican party and the forces behind it. The so-called War in Iraq is actually a war of attrition against an insurgency, and given the costs of operations, it's unlikely that we can afford to stay there indefinitely. The risk is becoming the next Russia. A failed superpower. Our sheer financial and military strength ensured that we were taken seriously as a superpower. Now our financial house is in ruin (not what you want or expect from 8 years of supposedly-Republican rule), our diplomatic strength is losing ground.

This is not good.

Economic understanding and leadership is what's required now. This is a matter of national security. John McCain simply does not have a clue about economics, he said as much just a year ago. 1 year experience is not enough to be running the country.

Personally, I think Ron Paul ought to launch a write-in campaign. I think it would be brilliant and disruptive as hell. And he could pull it off with the network he's built.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Alaska's poverty problem.

1 out of 10 Alaskans live in poverty.

And woe be unto you if you are not a white person in Alaska:

This from a woman who claims to be a follower of Jesus. I can understand going to church. I don't understand "being responsible" for a $40 billion oil pipeline when you've got children in poverty.

How will McCain handle Palin?

She's a FireCracker, that's for sure. I wonder how McCain will stand up to Sarah Palin when they disagree on certain issues, which they undoubtedly will. I already know she can come on strong. I wonder how she's wielding her newfound power?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Arlight, here goes.

Starting the Pissed Off Pacificist blog. Which is not actually the start of my ranting and raving about the state of things in the world from a seeker of peace. It's just a more appropriate place for it, I suppose.

My goals for this are to stimulate dialogue, and to not go completely insane with the daily turn of events. I'm going to try to keep this non-partisan, but to be honest, my rage is really directed to the religious right who claim we're a Christian country but still won't take care of the poor, take care of the sick, or steward our environment.

I'm more disappointed in the left than outraged, at this point. And at the end of the day, it can be hard to tell the difference between a Republican lobbyist and Democratic lobbyist. And besides, the problems we face right now are SO MUCH BIGGER than party politics.

Which is why I'm pissed off...

But much more about that later. As for being a "pacifist" I'll say that I'm human, prone to being contradictory and falling short but seeking peace to me is a practice, kinda like "following Jesus" is a practice for a lot of people. The fact is, Jesus WAS a pacifist. You could even say the perfect example of a pacifist.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.